
Day 2,099, 03:58 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis


We, at TACO, should thank wholeheartedly the n-th move of dark
forces of eUK. Another e-martydrom of the truth.

By this moment, it should be even more apparent the obvious division
of eUK in light and darkness.

Some factions have fun in the darkness, in the shadows of power, in a
limited vision of a game, in a close and unspeakable web of contacts.

All this is not abstract theory but very real actions:

- Keers kicking me out of a TWO meeting just for political reasons ( I
was graciously invited by Talon).

- Refusal to any interesting game plan (this is a game, do you
remember it ?) to get more bonuses.

- Orgs money dissapearing thru the sinks of corruption

- Not investing in more help (weapon and food and loands) for new

Whilst Carlini's government is a just a parenthesis in a row of
sub-optimal governments ruled by the dark UKRP-TUP couple, it's no
reason not to have a real alternative.

Some decide to stay apart from this fight between light and darkness,
this equals to supporting darkness, since darkness is the current
prevailing force in eUK.

No wonder eUK is for so long in the low ranks, it couldn't be

Join the light, join New Era, join RDP. Join the light.