Trolling explained

Day 2,087, 13:18 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Trolling explained

What's trolling ? It's an overreaction to an idea or person we don't like.

When does it happen? When the idea arises , or simply , when the person performs any 'public' action.

Who makes it ? There're many kind of trolls:

a) sub-teenager troll, typically very active and flaming, uncontrollaby aggresive sometimes.

b) teenager troll, less noisy than sub-teenager but with a higher load of aggresivitiy.

c) early twenties troll, it's a bit more ellaborate in his trolling, calmed but hard and merciless.

d) thirties (and older ) troll, the trolling tends to become an art and it's subtle and almost an art. It's seldom aggresive and sometimes just delightful and witful. It focus the less on the person, more on the ideas.

What's trolling for ?

a) Reaffirmation of identity, political or personal.

b) Unsuitable or not perfectioned political propaganda.

c) Simple personal hate. ( sad but true) .

d) Humoristic rethorical exercise.

Will trolling ever end ?

No, obviously not, for the reasons stated above.

Where Does trolling happen?

Forums, IRC, PM's, generally speaking, the closer an environment is the bitter trolling we can expect. Open environments let trolls exposed at everybody's eyes. Openness is a good thing to stop trolling. Denouncing or reporting are good ideas.

Are you a troll ?
Just review the clasiffications above.

Is criticism trolling ?

It depends on the intention, more than in the simple content of the message.