Not sooner?

Day 626, 09:25 Published in Denmark Denmark by pho3nix

A few days ago, I wrote an article which sprung some grand critique into the air. I applaud all the commentators (mostly eDeO employees, not too surprising) for their activity. I love activity. That's why I joined WBP. We are doers, and believe you are too.

Anyway, my last article was mostly a critique to the eDeO stating that it produced the cheapest food in eDenmark. I - as both a business- and congressman - reacted to that statement. How could they say that Q3 food for 2,5 DKK was the cheapest they could possibly come up with? It might not be able to understand for the average citizen, but since I and my business just left the Q3 level of food I knew that the cited price wasn't worth any bragging rights.

Now, one question came up in the comments which some suggested that I didn't answer. Why did I decide to lower my prices when eDeO came around, and not sooner? Well first of all, there wasn't a charity-gig in town before eDeO rolled along - charity on the free market, I might add. But I think that the critique is somewhat undeserved. Hence, I ask the question:

Not sooner?

If one would make the simple move of switching to the food market tab, one can see that there are three suppliers of Q4 food on the market: Friheds Frikadeller, Umbrella Food and Dave Inc. Now, between the first two competitors there isn't too much of a difference. Both stay close to each other's prices, about 7-8 DKK per unit of Q4 food. But what, then, is the difference between those two companies and Dave Inc - the third competitor?

About 4,5 DKK, or 36% of the lowest competitor price.

Not only is Dave Inc doing this while making some kind of profit - we are also doing it using 100% eDanish grain, produced by our sister company; Fields of Phail. But we don't stop here. FoP is constantly employing low-skilled workers - currently 4 employees are below skill level 2. Not only that, we are paying them 3 DKK per day. That is more than the country's minimum wage, but enough for you to afford our Q4 food while working at a Q2 company. We also offer our employees to get their hands on some of the company's production for free - if they show us activity.

With my last article, I was told to put on my running shoes and prepare to burn off some fat. To tell you the truth, the track has been awfully lonely. While Dave Inc, day after day, has offered the eDanish market the CHEAPEST Q4 FOOD IN THE WORLD, produced using only Danish raw materials, eDeO has not been able to come up with any serious attempt at the market. Shure they're feeding their own children, but in my point of view that's not a very rational thing to say. The rhetorics has not been between workers and workers, employers and employees. It has been between congressmen - elected and responsible to the entire population. That's why I'm feeding our entire population. - not the members of my party.

I came to Denmark because I thought REAL men lived here. Real men don't need free food and gifts - they get them for themselves. We're a small nation. Hence; even as a newbie, one should be able to make a name for oneself without too much effort. I don't want to help you by giving you stuff without an effort - that doesn't seem to be activity-inspiring in my eyes.

Personally, I believe the average Dane is smart enough to take care of himself. I want YOU to make something of your own. I want you to raise your own money, start your own business, run for congress, start your own newspaper. Be crazy, be free - but don't be for free. The Webuerian Bueraucracy Party is not going to do stuff for you. However, we will try to make it easier for you to do stuff. An active Denmark is the Denmark I want to live in. I can't make the clicks for you, I can't write your articles. It's all up to you.

Although WBP has lost a lot of it's active members and congressmen, they have not disapeared into nothingness. Dale, HrBjorn and alfred temple - all members of WPB - left Denmark to fight, to DO what they thought was right. We are NOT dead - we are getting shit done.

Now eDeO, I think it's time you stepped up to the challenge. 1337 Industries has kept it's end of the bargain.

You have a lot of catching up to do.