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Collection of inane rants since V1


26 День 3,149, 04:29 Опубликовано в стране United Kingdom United Kingdom Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

If you'd like some background music... (Redbone - Come And Get Your Love) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkr77jE5GFY

Afternoon lads o7,

An … Подробнее »

[Appleby4CP] And so the eUK despairs

42 День 3,146, 10:40 Опубликовано в стране United Kingdom United Kingdom Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

Good evenin’ lads o/,

After much plottin’ & scheming I’m exultant to announce yet another bid for CP. Notices were sent to every major PP a couple of … Подробнее »

[Reform] Changing of the guard

7 День 3,132, 05:48 Опубликовано в стране United Kingdom United Kingdom Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

'fternoon lads o7,

It’s been a fun 3 months, kicking off with the glorious nicking of TUP’s name shortly followed by their rank, with a varied 2 and a half … Подробнее »

[Reform] Glorious Astrid Victory

5 День 3,122, 12:03 Опубликовано в стране United Kingdom United Kingdom Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

Evenin’ lads o7,

After several successful multi operations I am happy to confirm we have bagged the deputy speakership and are ready to spring the “ … Подробнее »

[Reform] WayneKerr for CP

6 День 3,119, 02:53 Опубликовано в стране United Kingdom United Kingdom Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

Mornin’ gents o7,

An auspicious election; almost everybody runnin’ for the lulz with a single candidate courting the “only slightly more sensible” … Подробнее »