[Reform] WayneKerr for CP

Day 3,119, 02:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

Mornin’ gents o7,

An auspicious election; almost everybody runnin’ for the lulz with a single candidate courting the “only slightly more sensible” vote by instead claiming they’re ironic 😛. Naturally we here in UKRP have gotten into a drunken stupor and thus decided it’s in the best interests of the country if we refuse to intervene and just see where this one pans out, largely due to the overwhelming effort of getting out of this particularly comfy chair…

It appears however that Voodoo is the only one to publish what passes as a manifesto and seems to have got the most ‘unofficial’ support, and is likely to win the election. Members are encouraged to apply for government so that they can either train up for future office or feel good about participating in our dear and convivial community 😉

After the CP elections we have our usual PP façade, a routine crusher of dreams and harbinger of indolence. I expect the vast majority will be relieved to hear that it’s long overdue someone else had a punt at keeping the drinks cabinet together, my leadership doing more harm than good at this point. It has nevertheless been a fun 3 months - spam wars, mongress fights and the great dethroning of The Undead Party – hopefully we can take things further under a fresh scotch and a different droning voice failing at telling us what to do 😃

Ever your faithful servant,
