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Collection of inane rants since V1

[Appleby] eUK Championships

13 День 3,339, 12:51 Опубликовано в стране United Kingdom United Kingdom Социальные контакты и развлечения Социальные контакты и развлечения

Evenin’ lads o/,

As we haven’t had a proper MoHA for a while it’s been some time since our last community event. Given a lot of the political activity … Подробнее »

[Appleby] The Arsenal of Democracy

48 День 3,332, 06:31 Опубликовано в стране United Kingdom United Kingdom Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

Afternoon gents o7,

A few words about the possibilities we have in the upcoming term. As Wayne appears to be our main opponent I would like to offer a few … Подробнее »

[Appleby] An Observation on Irish Logic and their Colonial Masters

8 День 3,321, 09:51 Опубликовано в стране United Kingdom United Kingdom Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

o7 eUK,

Gentle reader, forgive me for an article so soon after the last - such activity is unforgivable by today’s standards. However after months of peace … Подробнее »

[Appleby] On the defence of Western Europe

23 День 3,319, 07:12 Опубликовано в стране United Kingdom United Kingdom Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

G’afternoon gents o7,

Been a while since my last article and I’m not particularly well so forgive me if this doesn’t live up to your usual Appleby … Подробнее »

[Glorious Victory] July Government

20 День 3,151, 02:49 Опубликовано в стране United Kingdom United Kingdom Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

If you'd like some background music... (Stealin' Apples - Benny Goodman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mloNLKV4F0)

Mornin’ lads o7,

A glorious … Подробнее »