Change Scares Me (New eRepublik Design)

Day 727, 15:19 Published in Ireland USA by Robert Grosseteste

Hello... ignore the smell of burning rubber please,

As a past neo-conservative, now tea-partier... vaguely change scares the crap out of me.
These new reforms in the eRepublik design are fascist and socialist. Like Mao and Hitler had some unionized French child together who wants 6 hour work days!
Glenn Beck, "The new eRepublik design hinders the constitutional principles old white slave owners put in place while drinking and beating their wives."
Also, Osama Bin Laden (like scary) said this, "Praise to the new eRepublik design and those who labored on it."

Osama Bin Laden=Tourist
Therefore by basic physiopological principles the new eRepublik design is UNUMERIKAN!!!

***Everything here is to satire real-life while getting out the word about the new design. Everything including quotes is fake in the attempt at parody. Thank your eRepublik staff members for the new sleek looking design!***

All in fun,
Robert Grosseteste (the realistic Libertarian)
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