7 resons to continue! Vote CLOPOYAUR!

Day 1,232, 00:04 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur
1. Economy has recovered.

In the last month the number of active companies has doubled in South Korea, rising from around 150 to over 275. After we were wiped out from the map wages have risen slowly but steadily reaching today a level that allows every single citizen to fight daily a few times.

2. Reinforced region

Our main regions have been reinforced with hospitals – Gangwon-do and Jeju, giving us an advantage in the case we are attacked. Many of the hospitals were received as donations, other were produced with minimum prices.

3. Stable exchange-rate

Even if the economy has been shaken a lot in the last month, the rate exchange has been stabilized and varying only between a fixed range. This has provided a stable environment for businesses to grow. The proof is that the National Treasury has doubled the daily income compared with the one we had 1 month ago.

4. South Korea Fights

The project launched 2 weeks ago was a success, at almost any bate many people came on the chat to receive money for fighting. There were 2 major advantages to this project:
- People managed to interact more by going into the chat
- Clones were not fed, because is harder for a clone to go on a chat than to leave a comment to an article.
Also, our soldiers provide twice the damage compared to last month.

5. Reanimated press / Increased activity

Press started to have quality articles both in English but especially also in Korean. We also have 2 military units which inflict very good damage daily and stimulating also the people to fight more and increase their ranks.

6. External relations

The external relations of our country have been improved dramatically, having now friends allover in the surrounding area and in Europe. This will be continued and the bonuses for our regions very soon restored.

7. I have the power, the motivation, the will and the strength to continue

So, let’s continue developing South Korea! Vote Clopoyaur!