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VISA-tank warfare & thanks to our Allies

65 Dia 1,360, 04:32 Publicado em Hungary Hungary Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

Prior to the writing of this article, the top VISA-tanks of Croatia, Romper and Argrob accomplished cca. 70M influence (!) to the Battle of SGP.

UPDATE: they are over

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Intn'l eRepublik Meeting / Nemzetközi Ereptali

8 Dia 1,354, 05:47 Publicado em Hungary Hungary Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

(Magyarul alul)

Dear eRepublikans,

Few months ago there were several articles about the first International eRepublik Meeting in … ler mais »

[ONE] Szövetségi közlemény magyar fordítása (ütős!)

57 Dia 1,351, 02:21 Publicado em Hungary Hungary Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

Az alábbiakban gyakorlatilag szó szerinti fordításban közlöm angeldav ONE-főparancsnok cikkét a szövetség lapjában. Hát nem semmi...


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The China-syndrome

47 Dia 1,326, 03:06 Publicado em Hungary Hungary Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

As the once big countries of EDEN/Terra (Romania, USA, Brazil, Canada, Russia) are completely or partially conquered, their military leaders decided to concentrate all significant forces in China, the last fortress of that alliance. China has all

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Money for Nothing: The social dilemma of the new training system

27 Dia 1,324, 14:22 Publicado em Hungary Hungary Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Lana is dead - there is a new 'fittness program' instead. Up to now, you could gain 17 str points a day, now it is 24. Up to now, it costed 1.79G, now it is 3.57G, almost the double. I doubt that many people used the 1.49G 'Caesar' option … ler mais »