Money for Nothing: The social dilemma of the new training system

Day 1,324, 14:22 Published in Hungary Hungary by Nalaja
Lana is dead - there is a new 'fittness program' instead. Up to now, you could gain 17 str points a day, now it is 24. Up to now, it costed 1.79G, now it is 3.57G, almost the double. I doubt that many people used the 1.49G 'Caesar' option frequently, because its power to cost ratio was far the worst. Now everybody, who want remain on top, is forced to use it. To use all options, simultaneously.

Imagine all the people... skip the 1.49G 'Shooting Range'. A nice idea, however it seems to be impossible. Even if there was a widely accepted agreement to do it, any people who breaks that, has a significant advantage. So, the 'new balance' is to use all training grounds. As everybody does, who you compete with. So indeed, it is 'Money for Nothing', paid by everyone. And sooner or later, you'll be in bankrupt.