The China-syndrome

Day 1,326, 03:06 Published in Hungary Hungary by Nalaja

As the once big countries of EDEN/Terra (Romania, USA, Brazil, Canada, Russia) are completely or partially conquered, their military leaders decided to concentrate all significant forces in China, the last fortress of that alliance. China has all resources with her occupied regions and given citizenships to the most powerful allied soldiers to obtain the 10% NE bonus.

As the ONE approached to China from two directions (Serbia from Siberia, Hungary from Japan), the EDEN/Terra had only one reasonable option: a pre-emptive strike on the first contacted enemy, which is now Serbia. Chinese attack was launched on the Serbian-occupied Eastern Siberia tonight and using well the timezone advantage, reached 4-0 till daychange.

Now a massive battle is between the mainly the tanks of EDEN and the population power of the ONE. Outcome of this battle won't change the global strategic picture, however its tactical importance can't be over-estimated. Winning this, EDEN could strike the narrow bridge of Hungarian possessions, jeopardize the resources of a base country of the EDEN. If ONE wins, it means that the long campaign, the 'Meltdown of China' could begin: Serbia could enter from North, while Hungary arrives for Japan in two days.

Let the cannons roar! (c) by Peterbond

Magyar barátaim, ne most gyűjtsetek medálokat. Kb. hetente van olyan csata, amire gyűjtünk, tartalékolunk. Na ezt most ilyen. Mindenki itt üssön! (Sőt, nemcsak most. Kína sok régió ám, most jó lenne a szövetségi hadjáratnak elsőbbséget adni!