VISA-tank warfare & thanks to our Allies

Day 1,360, 04:32 Published in Hungary Hungary by Nalaja

Prior to the writing of this article, the top VISA-tanks of Croatia, Romper and Argrob accomplished cca. 70M influence (!) to the Battle of SGP.

UPDATE: they are over 80M

Now we avoid the obvious question, how is it possible physically by clicking, I shall only point to one aspect: what is the most effective counter-measure of this tank warfare?

The answer is more than natural: the task is to take their enthusiasm to get a pain in the finger and raise some doubts whether it is worth to spend so many RL money (sorry Admins). We, our Alliance has this option only. The hit-power, the population is at our side, what we still do need, it is the organization. We are performing much more better than at the yesterdays NWC battle. After one lost battle or two, these VISA-tanks probably lose their temper. Let us help them!

One more important thing. Repelling this huge and unprecedented amount of tanking damage would be impossible without the tremendous help from our Allies: Serbia, Poland, Spain, Macedonia, Turkey, Indonesia, Sweden, Slovenia, Iran, Mexico, Baltics, etc etc. Thanks for this huge support! Let's finish our task together!