[Presidential Article] A Quick brief Of What I Seek To Achieve

Day 778, 05:02 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Hi all my dear friends,

This is not going to be along one, but just teh first part of a set of hopes that I will keep updating daily with articles that will try and make everyone aware of what I seek to achieve. 🙂

1. Complete independence is my primary goal and seek to set the ball rolling with expansion as my num 1 priority to get in as many indians as we can. Request all those interested in being the expansion or retention team to msg me. Game level is not an issue...I would rather have a 1000 lvl 3 guys participating than 5 lvl 20 guys! 🙂

2. Encourage our newbies and youth to take part in governance...i wish to phase myself out 🙂 We all keep ruing the lack of true democracy...well, let us try and bring it about by active participation by as many new guys as possible...so come on, all interested, bombard me with PMs!!

3. Seek true allies from those that are not and cement our bonds with them. Also try and possibly smoothen over any "enmities" which may have arise if possible.

4. Keep departments simple and my interference to a bare minimum. Thus I seek 5 candidates (1 head and 4 deputies) each for the following critical posts :
a. Minister of Finance.
b. Minister of Foreign Affairs.
c. Defence Minister.
d. Congressional whip.
e. Minister of Technology (responsible for developing scripts)
f. Deputies for the NPF team. (Jay can you please let me know if you are available to continue as the Chief and how many guys you need)
g. Minister of Education. (handles mentoring training and congress education)
h. RAW (the covert group - anti terrorist squad)

5. Make the IRC a hub of activity where all new Indians can learn a few bits and bobs 🙂

6. Try and restructure the political system to make sure no one feels hard done by! (by which I mean, equal representation for all parties as far as possible)

7. Cannot think of anything right now...but hey, I'm sure I will add more tomorrow 😉

Guys, please do make sure to drop into IRC daily or as often and make sure you get your friends involved too. Any and EVERY idea is welcome, we need to keep the babies alive and kicking 🙂

Let us have a lvl 6 President of our own choice 😉 ... heh...Akrado, no offence mate 🙂


Let's rock this town!