Calling all Budding Ministers!!

Day 779, 00:43 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Hi guys,

Here is an initial draft of the ministries and the guys who have approached me for being part of building up India. I thank them but to me, the list is still very short. I wish to have much more participation from our bright young players. I cannot remember everyone but I can off teh top of my head mention some such as :

Mr.Tofuu, Hootress92, Vrinda, Mardalo, Rob_Prateek...ah well I give up, there are so many!! 😁

Guys please come forward and volunteer!!! India needs young fresh blood to get involved. This will also enhance your gameplay experience and will show us oldies and semi oldies a better way of doing things. Please phase me out of the game... 🙂 we need radical new thinkers and I hope you wont disappoint.

The current list is on the forums :

See u guys soon 🙂

Oh btw - Curtis has called a mentors meeting at 6 eRep time today, so be there or be square1 🙂
