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Can you has Fun? Yes you can!

39 Dia 791, 13:31 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Before you get your collective panties in a ruffle, this article is NOT meant to tick anyone off. It is meant to put a smile on your face and get you thinking in a different direction. I also understand that many are working to figure something ler mais »

Just Sayin...

18 Dia 789, 10:24 Publicado em Ireland Ireland


Would fight with the ler mais »

eUK MoFA Cancels Raleigh Treaty?

54 Dia 787, 20:49 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Backstabbing Brits?

Well, One Brit for Sure.

eIreland, while many of you sleep there are a select few (yes, even e😜at RL Yank Theocrats) who still have your … ler mais »

For Conor Larkin

10 Dia 787, 08:59 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

As Promised brother... this one's for you.

"You have the highest total damage in the last battle and you are now know as a Battle Hero. An amount of 5 Gold was added to your account as a reward for your achievement. "

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In response to Ideas for the Near Future

17 Dia 781, 23:26 Publicado em South Korea South Korea

This Media Blast is in response to Francis DeBoyle's Article Ideas for the Near Future


No graphics, no witty hyperbole... just … ler mais »