In response to Ideas for the Near Future

Day 781, 23:26 Published in South Korea Japan by Donovan Thomas
This Media Blast is in response to Francis DeBoyle's Article Ideas for the Near Future


No graphics, no witty hyperbole... just straight jive.

Number one, you should have named your article "Ideas for OMG RIGHT NOW! Quick F-ers get into IRC STAT!"

I’m starting to get pissed off. You guys are about to be handed a fresh start. Something that no nation in eRep gets (and if you don’t think there aren’t a hundred would be Alexanders and Ghengis’ out there gunning to run you then think again).

This is what you came up with? You’re going to do it in public? You are really going to put your cards on the table and show the world just what you don’t know?

*facepalm headsmack openmouthed scream of incredulity*


I’m going to lay it on the line for you and then retire from this farce. I’ve really had enough… Not only can you not handle this I will be damned if I watch you start to argue amongst yourselves and scrap and scrum for crumbs…

The Real Deal MF Truth.

Here goes.

1. Set up a poll to see how many active South Koreans we have – [FDB]

No. Public polls and spreadsheets and that mess are just that… A public mess. No quantifiable data ever. You need to do the hard work and contact people personally. If they reply? Check the box. If they don’t? Then they are two-clicking wastes and you don’t have time for that. Get a forum, get a channel on IRC and DO THE HARD WORK! Making a spreadsheet or an article is Freshman 101. It’s a waste.

2. We need to allocate government positions – [FDB]

No you don’t. You need the smallest damn government you can think of. You need a CP who has a hint of a fecking clue, a guy to run the Military (and back it up) and a Finance guy who is savvy with numbers, taxes and imports etc. What about new citizens? Are you joking? When this sh!t hot group of Warriors I eat, sleep, party, kill and bleed with rolls out you will have a baby boom you never dreamed of... Every would be Peter Wiggin with a misspelled Manifesto will beg for citizenship so he can prove to his civics teacher he's the man.

Look. You can’t possibly support “Big Gov”. You need a provisional authority… take a look at RL Iraq and tell me what Big Gov does for a transitional beaurocracy … jack and sh!t. The Iraqi dinar is valued just below the butts in my ashtray.

Dont even get me started on API's, gifting and coordinated assault.

3. We need to start diplomatic relations with nearby countries - [FDB]

Are you kidding? eSK will be conquered and quick. You need a plan to deal with it and survive… You need to learn region swapping, you need to learn vote management. You guys got one stinking congressman in last time with at least twenty voters… piss poor. You need community organization on a grass roots level that make Obama look like a girl scout who can’t sell her cookies… Beyond that you need protection you cant afford... if you were less n00bish (and that goes for the so called eSK quitters who wear the Rising Sun on their sleeves) you would have been beso'ing major Theo culo in prep for this day for SOME hope of backup...

I’m tired… trolling is fun. It’s what we all do when dumb people post dumb sh!t… but this?

This is DANGEROUS sh!t not worthy of trolling.

You know how bad you suck?

I won’t even SLIA to piss you off…


*Note: [FDB] indicates a direct query by Francis DeBoyle*

*[Cue all the wastes of bandwidth who will blame the future on the past... go ahead.]*