eUK MoFA Cancels Raleigh Treaty?

Day 787, 20:49 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

Backstabbing Brits?

Well, One Brit for Sure.

eIreland, while many of you sleep there are a select few (yes, even e😜at RL Yank Theocrats) who still have your back.

It would seem that GLaDOS has canceled the Raleigh Treaty. Now, you might ask why I care. Well, simple, I love you guys even if I think you're daft these days and hell, I put a lot of hours into helping fix that damn treaty.

Since I am not 100% up to speed with my eIrish Politics these days I'm working off of a few assumptions;

1. GLaDOS is the eUK MoFA
2. As such he has the Authority to speak for Dishmcds
3. His declaration does in fact cancel the treaty...

Question: Why is this relevant? (other than the obvious)
Answer: Cuz eIreland is about to get PAID!

Well, probably not. But they did break Article 10 and the penalty is...

Read Article Xi paragraph 2

Article Xi: Penalties

2. Breach of any other article shall leave the violating party liable to a fine not exceeding 500G, the enforcement of which is at the discretion of the ingame President of the offended nation.
Its no problem.

Read his article here


GLaDOS took the Article down!!!


That's okay, I screen cap and save religiously...

Here are the screen caps of the Article

Full size

Full size

Here is the text of his article:

Dear Citizens of Ireland, as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom, I would today like to announce the end of the esteemed Raleigh Treaty. As your esteemed President has decided to keep troops at home, and not defend us as mentioned in the Raleigh Treaty, and thus the treaty that was held sacred for over a year is officially ended.

(He had a cool picture of a burning document here)

While I understand the position of Ireland, the United Kingdom is far too large to stay occupied for very long, which is quite apparent by the fact that it has taken this long to invade us. Once we are free and whole, I'm afraid the diplomatic relations won't be quite as cordial next time.

That being said, we respect your decision as a neutral nation and have no negtive or ill intentions toward the irish republic.

I also have all the comments. I think Congressman Field Marshall Castaneda posted most in the Dail, I’ll see where he left off and post the rest…


Let’s be honest… you wont see a bit of gold. Hell, we cant get admin to respond to much around here, and somehow I don’t think they’ll bite on this one. Besides, I’m sure that the eUK CP will climb all over this and deny that he had the authority etc…

But at least you know how they feel now… some of them…

Watch your backs eIreland…

It’s about to get ugly.

Slainte and SLIA!


Note: For those who believe they "Know" what the treaty says, please read the signed copy here before inserting foot in mouth (and no, it wont link without messing up the article).