Can you has Fun? Yes you can!

Day 791, 13:31 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
Before you get your collective panties in a ruffle, this article is NOT meant to tick anyone off. It is meant to put a smile on your face and get you thinking in a different direction. I also understand that many are working to figure something out. This one is for the fence sitters… The one’s afraid of fun… who think they actually have something to lose.

So, with that in mind let me as you a question…

Are you Chicken eIreland?

Everyone is talking about taking “sides”; Pro-EDEN, Pheonix, Neutral, etc. While all of those are good hot button buzzwords to get people to rally behind, one thing was mentioned that too few took notice of… What about the eIrish side?

The eIrish side is whatever the eIrish people decide.

Now we all know that regardless of what the decision is some (and by some I mean a BUNCH) people are going to disagree and flame away… fine. That is the nature of the game.

It is FUN to disagree…

So 42% don’t agree with what the “rest” decide. So what? Then that 42% get a mission… they get to fight the status quo.

“But we might be conquered!”

Yeah? So what… You might end up on the wining side, how cool would that be?
Let’s say for the sake of argument that eIreland ends up joining the side that loses and she is overrun.

So what?

How fun would it be to be the underdog leading a rebellion? To fight together to get all of your regions back (and maybe some extras too). New heroes, new leaders... awesome articles, awesome trolling of your enemies...

Just... Awesome...

Think of the unifying factor involved with the only two real options…

Win? = Fun

Lose?= Fun