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[MoFA] War against the USA: Ireland stands up for herself

4 Dzień 3,786, 19:49 Opublikowane w Ireland Ireland Analizy wojenne Analizy wojenne

Dear citizens of eIreland,

The great campaign against the USA has started. We joined this operation in order to help our allies and to liberate Ireland from the USA occupation that … czytaj więcej »

[MoFA] War between Ireland and the USA: We won't give up and we'll be free!

21 Dzień 3,777, 01:15 Opublikowane w Ireland Ireland Polityka Polityka

Dear citizens of eIreland,

As you know Ireland has been attacked by the USA. The likely reason for this attack is our support for our allies, especially our support for Croatia in … czytaj więcej »

[MoFA] Information about foreign affairs and allies

8 Dzień 3,766, 11:15 Opublikowane w Ireland Ireland Polityka Polityka

Dear citizens of eIreland,

First of all thank you for placing your trust in me so that you made me serve as your MoFA, it is a great honour! Not much has happened so far this month, … czytaj więcej »

The secret life of Hungarian tanks - I asked, they answered [Translation]

23 Dzień 3,709, 10:53 Opublikowane w Hungary Hungary Społeczeństwo i rozrywka Społeczeństwo i rozrywka

The original article: A magyar Tankok titkos élete - én kérdeztem, ők válaszoltak by Murlockij


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Az Asteria hazugsággyár

18 Dzień 3,701, 12:19 Opublikowane w Hungary Hungary Polityka Polityka

Mint láthattuk, a tegnapi elnökválasztáson az adminok komolyan vették a dolgukat és több országban is nagy számban tempban alá helyeztek fékereket, így például Peruban és Japánban szinte a teljes kormányt. Mivel Peruban néhány Mastercardos játékos

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