[MoFA] War between Ireland and the USA: We won't give up and we'll be free!

Day 3,777, 01:15 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

Dear citizens of eIreland,

As you know Ireland has been attacked by the USA. The likely reason for this attack is our support for our allies, especially our support for Croatia in January following the USA's unprovoked attack against them.

Whatever intention the USA has, we won't leave our allies, we stand with them and we support them just like they stand with us and they support us. No war, no wipe, no economic pressure can change this.

Peru isn't a friendly country, we are on opposite sides, but we have a TW agreement, and they are willing to communicate and cooperate with us, for which we are thankful. This is why our first aim is to remove the USA from Ireland, and not to remove Peru.

Ireland and the USA has a history of friendship, but with its attack against us and our ally in January the USA has sided itself against Ireland and her allies. Unfortunately we have no reason to think that the USA is now friendlier with us than any other Pacifican-Asterian country, and for this situation neither Ireland nor her allies can be made responsible. We would be happy to return to normal relations if the USA would stop hostilities against Ireland and her allies.

For now we have no choice but to stand up for ourselves and for our allies, and to make sure that our friendship cannot be broken whatever hardships are lying ahead us. We will face them and overcome them together.

The RW in Cork we lost, thank you everyone who fought for Ireland, also thanks to our allies, you are all great! Next time we will win, and we'll be freed.

Thank you

MoFA of eIreland