[MoFA] War against the USA: Ireland stands up for herself

Day 3,786, 19:49 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

Dear citizens of eIreland,

The great campaign against the USA has started. We joined this operation in order to help our allies and to liberate Ireland from the USA occupation that lasts for half a month now. The participating countries are Croatia, Egypt and Ireland. We aren't afraid to stand up for ourselves, and we aren't afraid to help our allies. Our liberation relies on them, but they rely on us too. We help each other until the end.

There is also another front against Sweden, which is airstriked by Uruguay and Venezuela.

Starting from today important battles are coming. Please follow information where to fight and let's do our best in the battles!

While most countries in the e-world have sunk into TWs, Ireland belongs to the few countries that are still ready to participate in real wars and fight real battles. This makes Ireland an important player of this game even if its size is small. And we have wonderful allies, without whom this wouldn't be possible. It's a honour to have them and it's a honour to be Irish.

Thank you,

MoFA of eIreland