[MoFA] Information about foreign affairs and allies

Day 3,766, 11:15 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

Dear citizens of eIreland,

First of all thank you for placing your trust in me so that you made me serve as your MoFA, it is a great honour! Not much has happened so far this month, nevertheless I summarized what should be known about Ireland's foreign affairs and allie's plans.


As you know Ireland has a new TW agreement with Peru. According to this agreement Peru returns tax money, 5000 cc every week, an obligation which they fulfilled. While I know not everyone is content with this TW agreement, since it is already approved I would like to ask for your patience until it can be reviewed.

We had also negotiations with France, their proposal was the rental of Cork, ours was a so-called "Gentleman's War", but both proposals were rejected by the other party.

We are filling up the AS fund, if you would like to help, you can donate food here.

MPP allies

Albania has TWs with Russia and Philippines and they are looking for a new one.

Argentina has NAP and TW with Serbia, and TW with Spain and Brazil. They have no plans for real war, and said they are ready to provide support for their allies.

Chile has NAP and TW with Serbia and doesn't plan real war.

Croatia started a TW with UK and they have big plans. They will disclose the details later, they will need a lot of help!

Cyprus has TW with Israel and said they are ready to help their allies.

Hungary has TWs with Austria and Czech Republic. It is suspected that Hungary will be attacked by the Asteria, but there is no certain information when would this happen. Hungary is ready to provide support for its allies.

Italy has TWs with France and Serbia. They doesn't plan to go to war if Slovenia continue their NAP, they are ready to help allies.

Mexico's TW with Cuba ended, they are looking for new TW partner, don't plan to go to war.

South Korea has TWs with South Africa and UAE.

Turkey's NAP with Bulgaria ended, but war is not expected between them. Turkey has TW with UAE.

Other countries:

Venezuela has TWs with Portugal and Colombia and they are filling their AS fund.

Brazil has TW with Slovenia and just entered into a TW with Argentina.

Greece after its unsuccessful attempt to join the Asteria last month, is now rebuilding relations with its former allies, but it takes time to restore trust. In my opinion we should be forgiving towards Greece but also remain cautious.

Thank you for reading

MoFA of eIreland