ფონის ჩართვა/გამორთვა

[MoSAE] A new method of mailing newcomers

10 დღე 653, 00:20 გამოქვეყნდა Malaysia-ში Malaysia

Lopici Gaspar, an eFRoSEAn congressman who has started doing daily reports on people that upgraded levels and ranks and got medals, is now going to be supplying the Social Office with a http://erepublik.forumotion.net/society-f2/newcomers-

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[GOV] MPP with Italy

7 დღე 652, 05:42 გამოქვეყნდა Malaysia-ში Malaysia

Dear all,

In a few minutes congress will start voting on an Alliance (MPP) with Italy as they have decided to join the Sol Games. I'd like to ask all congress member to please vote yes on the proposal if possible. Thank you very much.


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[GOV] MPP with Slovakia

3 დღე 650, 07:17 გამოქვეყნდა Malaysia-ში Malaysia

Dear congress members,

Slovakia is joining the Sol War Games so please vote yes on the MPP proposal! There is a [url=http://erepublik.forumotion.net/the-congress-and-government-f15/mpp-

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[GOV] Planned tax reform

28 დღე 649, 04:20 გამოქვეყნდა Malaysia-ში Malaysia

The current tax structure has served us long and has served us well. But contrary to others I think that it has become outdated in the meantime and doesn't fit well the realities and needs of the country which has become an union with 800+ citizens (

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[GOV] New congress elected

9 დღე 645, 06:37 გამოქვეყნდა Malaysia-ში Malaysia

The voting has ended and the new congress is now elected. I'd like to congratulate all old and fresh congress members alike in the name of the cabinet. I wish you much luck and a fun time in the congress and hope that you'll all be active and

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