[GOV] New congress elected

Day 645, 06:37 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

The voting has ended and the new congress is now elected. I'd like to congratulate all old and fresh congress members alike in the name of the cabinet. I wish you much luck and a fun time in the congress and hope that you'll all be active and responsible congress members who visit the national forums regularly and participate in the discussions there and who approve citizenships carefully. (Read more about citizenship problems: HERE.)

If you are not registered at the forums yet then please do so. Again, you can find the forums: HERE. I'll grant the needed access to every new congress member in a matter of hours so that you can all take part in the work of the congress at its subforum.

A shy request for donations

We have a long tradition of congress members donating a part of the gold received for their congress medals to the government. Congress medal golds were the state's main source of income for months and we could have never gotten this far without your kind donations. Luckily the financial situation of the state has strengthened a lot in the last 1-2 months, so donations are not crucial any more. Still we are not filthy rich yet and donations are still a considerable help. So keeping to the tradition and donating a part of your winnings is of course really appreciated. You can send your donations to The Central bank of Malaysia. I think eThai congress members can freely donate to the Central Bank of Thailand as well to increase your reserves. Just a guess, it's better if you ask Albert Neurath first about this possibility.
Thanks a lot in advance.

Donations last month

Somehow I forgot to thank those who donated last month which I regret a lot. Please accept my apologies and let me correct my mistake by posting here a list of people who donated to help with the financial situation of the country. Thank you all a lot! (And please forgive me if I left someone out by accident.)

Aries Longfellow (DAP) - 5 gold
cerasus (Djozikeists) - 5 gold
crvnazvezda (DAP) - 5 gold
Dar Salaam (DAP) - 5 gold
eHero (DAP) - 5 gold
gen_tiger (FUP) - 5 gold
Gustavius (FUP) - 5 gold
Jurkasz (DAP) - 5 gold
Mika von Marcali (FUP) - 5 gold
NAR Henry (FUP) - 5 gold
PalkoTamas (DAP) - 5 gold
PGeorge10 (DAP) - 5 gold
Robert Magasi (DAP) - 5 gold
SetsunaX (FUP) - 5 gold
SHBalage (DAP) - 5 gold
Asyraf Ramli (UPP) - 4.29 gold
Jeff Shiiste (DAP) - 3 gold
BigBoss12 (FUP) - 2.5 gold
Cap'n Choh (FUP) - 2.5 gold
Badlands17 (DAP) - 2 gold
nagyonolasz (DAP) - 10.25 gold - he was not a member of congress last term but semi-retired from the game and donated to the Central Bank
Nagyzee - 5 gold for the president medal

(I've given party affiliations as they were at the time of the donations. A few people have changed parties since.)

Best regards,