[MoSAE] A new method of mailing newcomers

Day 653, 00:20 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Lopici Gaspar, an eFRoSEAn congressman who has started doing daily reports on people that upgraded levels and ranks and got medals, is now going to be supplying the Social Office with a http://erepublik.forumotion.net/society-f2/newcomers-t312.htm>quick and easy list of new people from eFRoSEA straight from his personal app. This will be incredibly useful, as we will no longer have to look through employer rolls to find new citizens. I have also constructed a new standard mail to be sent to these users, who may still struggle with basic knowledge of the game, which can be found below. We will likely still look through employer rolls for new level 5 citizens for the next week or so, but after that we will probably go straight to mailing people off the list. Overall, this will help us with our goal of more adequately retaining new users. Much thanks to him! 🙂

Hello, and welcome to eRepublik!
Erepublik is not a game that can be easily understood on the first day. To understand all the intricacies, it may take months. However, the limitless bounds of what you can do and what can happen are the appeal and what separates us from the pack. For this reason, we would advise you to reply back and ask for a mentor so you can start making your presence felt in the community! If you have any questions, your mentor will be able to answer them. We will mail you again with fighting advice once you reach level 5. Do not let your wellness go below 40; preferably you should be working for a Q1 company (go to the company page, and under the 'products' heading, the quality is the number of stars next to the industry name), and a Q2 should be handled with great care. If you have not moved to Peninsular Malaysia, please do so as well. Have a wonderful time in eFRoSEA and eRepublik!
- Badlands17, Minister of Social Affairs and Education