ფონის ჩართვა/გამორთვა

[GOV] New cabinet out

5 დღე 688, 19:28 გამოქვეყნდა Malaysia-ში Malaysia

Hello all!

I apologize for the delay in which I am putting out this press release; I have been ill but not ill enough to avoid fulfilling other obligations and have needed my rest. In addition, my win was quite unexpected and I am very pleasantly

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[GOV] Emergency - Monetary under attack by Alfagrem

17 დღე 683, 11:45 გამოქვეყნდა Malaysia-ში Malaysia

Dear citizens and company owners,

Today the monetary market has come under repeated attacks by Alfagrem, a former eSouth Korean whose only aim in the game right now seems to take

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[GOV] Donate your congressional winnings for a better eFRoSEA!

4 დღე 676, 17:27 გამოქვეყნდა Malaysia-ში Malaysia

Hello everyone,

I would just like to thank all the people who donated all or some of their congressional earnings (or even more than that) to the state last term:

LopiciGaspar (DAP) 10 gold
Adwen (DAP) 5 gold
Aries Longfellow (DAP) 5 gold

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[GOV] MPP with South Korea

12 დღე 676, 09:13 გამოქვეყნდა Malaysia-ში Malaysia

Dear congress members,

Soon a voting will start in congress about an MPP with South Korea, a country currently home to the Theocratic Movement as they intend to join the Sol Games and take part in the regular battles for Sabah. With that in mind

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[GOV] Q5 Hospital Deal Signed

27 დღე 671, 15:52 გამოქვეყნდა Malaysia-ში Malaysia


I am pleased to inform you that a contract has just been signed authorizing the production of a Q5 hospital for a

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