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[DE/EN] Ein Frohe Fest!

10 Giorno 1,861, 07:59 Pubblicato in Germany Germany Svago Svago

Fur alles die Welt
For all the world

Froliche Weihnachten! (oder was auch immer du feierst)
Merry Christmas! (or whatever you celebrate)

Und frohe neu Jahr auch!
And happy new year too!

Macht ein wünschen auf die

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[POTUS] Interview with the VPs!

20 Giorno 1,837, 14:32 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

Hello America! Jason Welsh here with a big article for you guys today, I did an interview with all 3 VP candidates! I think I asked some good … leggi di più »

A helping hand for new players!

15 Giorno 1,833, 18:08 Pubblicato in USA USA Primi passi in eRepublik Primi passi in eRepublik

There's not enough helping hands being stretched out to new players these days, so I'm reaching out! New guys, if you do any of the stuff in this … leggi di più »

A few questions for RGR

43 Giorno 1,833, 08:49 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

RGR, you've said it time and time again that "The Elitists" are conspiring against you, and that the players in this country aren't being fair to you politically. Yet no matter how many times this happens, no matter how many times you blast each

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My solution for the economy

16 Giorno 1,832, 19:40 Pubblicato in USA USA Finanza Finanza

So I'm gonna try to get into writing again. Lul, ikr? :3

Anyway, I've decided to write about the economy right now because A: it's a big issue, and B: even though it's a big issue, it gets little enough attention for it to be a good "First

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