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Return of the Dead #2

3 Giorno 1,813, 13:24 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

Hey all, sup? I'm back again. For those of you who know me in-game pretty well, you know that at this point I pretty much just come back for a day or 2 every few months, check stuff out, 2-click, publish an article, and then gradually lose interest

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Return of the Dead

5 Giorno 1,652, 19:12 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

So ya, im back, at least for a day. Haven't even been keeping track of how long i've been eDead, but i think it was sometime in Feburary.

I was a proud UIPer for over a year, I was the last UIP PP, and later when I joined the Feds after the

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Welsh's Christmas Congress

2 Giorno 1,495, 13:50 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

[IMG]http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x351/[/img] … leggi di più »

Welsh for Congress

33 Giorno 1,488, 07:14 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

[img]http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x351/[/img] … leggi di più »

Welsh Reborn, Part 2

8 Giorno 1,484, 17:46 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

[IMG]http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x351/[/img] … leggi di più »