A helping hand for new players!

Day 1,833, 18:08 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

There's not enough helping hands being stretched out to new players these days, so I'm reaching out! New guys, if you do any of the stuff in this article, it'll not only help you get further in the game, but i'll reward you for it!

To qualify you must be below level 20
less than 7 days old in-game

#1: Ask questions about the game! If you ask a question in the comments section, I will answer it and give you 50 health worth of food.

#2: Join a political party! (Not AFA) You can do this by scrolling to "Community" (at the top), clicking "My Party" and then clicking "Join a Party," then just pick 1. If you do this, I'll give you 50 health worth of food!

If you do join a party, you should check out their discussion area too to get to know them better. Just go to the party page and click the speech bubble thingy.

#3: Join a Military Unit (MU for short)! This will pretty much be the same as finding a party (Community-->Military Unit-->Join a Military Unit). If you do this, i'll give you 5 weapons that increase your damage when you fight!

Since you guys are new, I would recommend joining the Training Corps, it's the new player division of the official US Army. Here's the application link.

And finally...

#4: Join the National Forum! It's the place that all the Americans go to talk about eRep, because... you know... the people who play eRep are too cool to talk in-game. The average player uses a dozen different websites to play the game even though they could probably do it all here XD

Seriously though, it helps to register on the forum, even if you don't even talk there (I don't unless I have to and I do fine). Link your account in the comments and I'll give you 25 USD


You should also check out IRC, it helps A LOT if you want to stay in touch with other players. I can't really give out anything for that though since it's harder to keep track of who's logged on there, but take my word for it, almost every group in this game uses IRC on a regular basis.


You can start out with just going to the US's national channel #usa-chat

If you have a question that you need answered right away, there's almost always someone online there. Can't guarantee they'd be the nicest people in the world though. After all, it is the internet.

Also, last but not least, due to popular demand...

Stay sexy guys 😉
