My solution for the economy

Day 1,832, 19:40 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

So I'm gonna try to get into writing again. Lul, ikr? :3

Anyway, I've decided to write about the economy right now because A: it's a big issue, and B: even though it's a big issue, it gets little enough attention for it to be a good "First serious article in a while" article.

People are complaining about salaries dropping, and they have a right to. My solution though is to not even have a salary. If you don't have a salary you don't even notice when the salaries drop for the rest of the country right?

I'm serious, communes. If you join an MU and work in one of their communes, you get paid in food and weapons, not money. That means you don't have to worry about saving up USD, just fight every day where they tell you to fight and you're good.

And through all this, you'll still be getting gold from medals and quests, and if you save up enough, you could start your own companies and eventually build up your own little self-supply depot. Or just sell some stuff and get USD. Whatever you want to do with the stuff you produce.

Currently I'm producing enough q1 food to keep me fed even if I'm not supplied by any MU (which I am), and I also produce enough q3 weapons to fight and kill 25 enemies daily even if I'm not supplied by an MU (which, again, I am). I also have about 50 q2 weapons coming in every day that I usually just sell for extra USD (which I exchange for gold, which turns into more companies).

All this from working in MUs almost my whole eLife and not even focusing too heavily on military.

Want to join an MU and work in a commune? Click one of these links.

Seal Team 6 application

United States Army application

Pickle's Patriots (My MU, just PM Dill and ask for commune instruction if you decide to join here)

EZC (Federalist Party Militia)

Cannon Cockers Send a PM to Dinnyin, Neron Trocki, or havocpwn for info

United States Air Force application

SFP Bear Cavalry (SFP Party Militia) PM TheNorm for info

If you're newer to the game and you've never even heard of most of those MUs, I would recommend trying to get into the United States Training Corps (newbie branch of the US Army)

USTC Application is here

That's all my ramblings for now.

Quality Reading List
Economy Update from AeroGent, these are handy to keep track of
POTUS Interviews, a little early for this month, but It's a must read
Magic from Gnilraps, I never really see anything disappointing coming from this paper

Till next time.

Stay sexy guys 😉
