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[Urgent] ePakistan National Meeting

9 Hari ke 1,009, 07:14 Diterbitkan di Pakistan Pakistan

Dear Citizens Of Pakistan,

I am hoping you all are well and trying to build the country in your own capacity. The reason for this article is to inform you that Pakistanis are called to attend a National Meeting by one of the greatest pakistani

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[Pakistan Armed Forces] Enrollment for Air Unit Squad !! Join Now !!

6 Hari ke 1,009, 01:35 Diterbitkan di Pakistan Pakistan

My fellow Citizens of ePakistan,

I am writting this Press Release in Pakistani Media to announce that I have been given the task of doing my best in making Pakistan's Armed forces as one of the strongest by our President Policy. Last Night I was

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A late night call

16 Hari ke 1,005, 07:44 Diterbitkan di Pakistan Pakistan

Islamabad,Pakistan: It was 2 am last night. My cellphoned beeped I had message from the President to come to Presidency. I dressed up and went. It was rainy night and after passing through serveral security checks my car stopped outside the … lebih lanjut »

Military Proposals

6 Hari ke 1,004, 00:47 Diterbitkan di Pakistan Pakistan

Islamabad, Pakistan: Pakistan Armed Forces need a lot of development and I am sure our decision makers already have that in mind. I have finally studied everything that the new version of erepublik has to offer regarding Military & Battles.
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I am back

7 Hari ke 1,000, 14:15 Diterbitkan di Pakistan Pakistan

Islamabad, Pakistan:
At last I return. I am flattered by the warm welcome I received by our President and It makes me feel blessed seeing that citizens of ePakistan still have respect for me. Well yes I am back and I can't wait to get my … lebih lanjut »