Military Proposals

Day 1,004, 00:47 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
Islamabad, Pakistan: Pakistan Armed Forces need a lot of development and I am sure our decision makers already have that in mind. I have finally studied everything that the new version of erepublik has to offer regarding Military & Battles.

Few Suggestions

Baby boom
The first and most important thing is to finally get a Baby Boom which for some reason we never end up getting. We need to promote eRepublik to our friends and people who we know and make them play the game for at least one month and I am sure the more time you spend on this game the more hooked up you get.

Army Mentors
Along with Babies comes the responsibility of educating the youth the best way to gain the required skills. There should be certified Army Mentors people who are assigned the duty to guide new players in Military aspect of the game and of-course these players should be regular and active.

Organizing The Military Structure
We can organize the Military Structure into four basic groups.
1. Infantry
2. Tanks
3. Artillery
4. Helicopters

So that we can co-ordinate more effectively in case of a war. (not sure if Policy is already doing this didn't talk on this yet with him)

Foreign Assignments

This will move a certain group in Pakistan Armed Forces to a location where there is real war taking place and will be a full effort from the troops to perform as best as they can. I know it can not be cheap as it may require some weapon investments but it will give us a better picture of what Pakistani Soldiers are capable of doing.

That is everything I can think for now as I get more information and learn more I will share my ideas with everyone to discuss. Please feel free to conduct positive criticism on these suggestions, for trolls take a plane ticket to India and meet their president.