[Pakistan Armed Forces] Enrollment for Air Unit Squad !! Join Now !!

Day 1,009, 01:35 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

My fellow Citizens of ePakistan,

I am writting this Press Release in Pakistani Media to announce that I have been given the task of doing my best in making Pakistan's Armed forces as one of the strongest by our President Policy. Last Night I was assigned to take charge of Air Unit of Pakistan Armed Forces by Pak_Land. As we all know that there are different units that we can train in. Members of Air Unit will be training along side me in air combat.

The Purpose:

The main purpose of this unit will be to provide Pakistan with air defence in times of war and conflict that may arise time to time. My main object will be to build a group of young Air combants.

The Plan:
I will be recruiting at this point 10 Young Players, those who are new to world of erepublik. Once I have completed reqruitiment for Air Unit of Pakistan Armed forces I will issue training guidlines that these players must follow in all circumstances.

Training & War Games:
I will take this group along with me around the world to train them in Air Defence. We will also meet in IRC Channel regularly at agreed times to conduct our training and fights. I will regular post War Game Orders. These units will be given weapons (Air Unit Weapons) to fight in offical War Games. The Air Unit Members will be co-ordinating with other members when the war games are taking place.

To Sign up for Air Unit Please fill the form below. Please Note Preference will be given to new players:

Click Here to Submit your Application

Ahsan Shahbaz
Commander Pakistan Armed Forces
Air Unit Squad (Code Name😛 Shaheens)