A late night call

Day 1,005, 07:44 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
Islamabad,Pakistan: It was 2 am last night. My cellphoned beeped I had message from the President to come to Presidency. I dressed up and went. It was rainy night and after passing through serveral security checks my car stopped outside the main lobby. A guard approached my car door and opened it for me he was wearing raincoat and was holding black umbrella in his hand.

He guided me towards the lobby trying to shelter me under the umbrella he was holding. After going inside he took me towards the office of the President. I could notice a lot of changes were made to the interior of presidency since I was in office.

I entered the office and I saw President sitting with Pak_land. I asked "is everything ok?" Policy looked at me holding a cigar in his hand and replied " I have received reports of Indian Terrorism in NWFP" he continued " Resistance against indian oppression has told us that indian goons are brutally torturing citizens of Pakistan in NWFP and are conspiring to topple Current Pakistani government" Pak_Land continued " what else do you expect from a country whose President is most incapable person in the new world, a person whose elections have written rigged on it"

While we were discussing this the phone next to President Policy started ringing he picked up and said " hello" he hanged up after listening to person on the otherside and shaked his head saying "Pig disgusting Indians" and laughed.

Few minutes later two officers of Pakistani Armed forces walk in the room dragging a person in handcuffs and pushed him on floor. One of officers spoke " Mr. President he is indian government agent who was trying to spread filth in minds of Pakistani citizens. Policy walked up to the guy who was on floor opened his zipper and peed on his face and said " This will be the fate of every Indian"

Indian Soldiers putting stone to oppress anti Indian demonstrations in NWFP