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[MoFA] Short Summary/Explanation(UPDATE)

38 950 jour, 18:59 Published in Ireland Ireland

Quick explanation

At a glance of the latest news I can see quite a few articles asking questions about the past few days events. To put it simply, USA has high resource regions available for rent. As part of an allied … en savoir plus »

[Irish MoFA]Canada, we have a problem

67 948 jour, 09:03 Published in Canada Canada

Hello Canada!!

Relations between Ireland and Canada have been excellent for the past few months. You've helped us in every way that you could. You've given us support militarily when it was needed, helped us with the cost … en savoir plus »

Battle for Liaoning: Damage

9 918 jour, 12:49 Published in Croatia Croatia

Battle for Liaoning">USA
Fighters: 9,130
Fights: 72,345
Damage: -17,418,222
WP's use😛 12,352

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Irish Citizen Army

27 916 jour, 11:06 Published in Ireland Ireland

An article on behalf of the ICA

Do you want to rank up quickly?
Do you want to join something fun and exciting?
Do you want more from the game?
Do you believe booze and guns are a good mixture?

If so, en savoir plus »

Rhone Alps: Damage

15 912 jour, 11:45 Published in Croatia Croatia

Battle for Rhone Alps">Spain
Fighters: 8.392
Fights: 46.048
Damage: 7,745,378
WP's use😛 4.705

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