[Irish MoFA]Canada, we have a problem

Day 948, 09:03 Published in Canada Canada by irishbhoy1967
Hello Canada!!

Relations between Ireland and Canada have been excellent for the past few months. You've helped us in every way that you could. You've given us support militarily when it was needed, helped us with the cost of MPPs and much, much more. You have been good Bros to us. And for that, we will never forget you.


A serious problem has arisen that we in eIreland cannot overlook. Recently some senior Canadian citizens have been laying claims to a rightful Irish territory. It is widely known throughout the eWorld that when the admins decide to add Iceland, that Ireland will claim it. This has been known for a long time now. We called it first, everyone knows that.

This has caused an outrage here in Ireland and now we will need remedy this situation. We will now plough through your country leaving a path of destruction behind us. Prepare for the Celtic invasion, Canada. We will of course give you back your country once you acknowledge the rightful claim of Ireland to Iceland. (we only need to change one letter ffs)

Keep your hands off Iceland, it's Irish to the core!!!

Is mise,
Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs.

EDIT: Just a small edit to make that part below a little bigger.

Disclaimer: This is a joke article and you will always be our Bros. Ireland <3 Canada. But seriously, hands off Iceland, ok?

This is part of an allied operation. See here.