[MoFA] Short Summary/Explanation(UPDATE)

Day 950, 18:59 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967
Quick explanation

At a glance of the latest news I can see quite a few articles asking questions about the past few days events. To put it simply, USA has high resource regions available for rent. As part of an allied operation involving Ireland-Poland-USA-Canada, Ireland is attempting to move into USA followed by Poland to rent these regions. To open the wars that are required to carry out this operation, Ireland had to sacrifice it's MPPs due to the "Friend of a Friend " rule. This left Ireland open to attack from the eUK. The UK attacked all but one of Ireland's original regions. The only original region lost to the UK was the Northwest of Ireland, which was sacrificed as part of a tactical maneuver. Immediately after it was retreated a Resistance War was started and immediately after that, Poland also attacked the region. This blocked the UK from making any further attacks while they themselves are under attack. Ireland then swapped the region of Shannon to Poland, as Shannon has the necessary border with the USA required for both countries to go ahead with the agreed plan. Ireland then moved into the US regions of Connecticut and New Jersey, with Poland following behind attacking Connecticut. Before Ireland could retreat this region to Poland, Resistance Wars were started in both of these regions by Phoenix in an attempt to halt the plan.

What you can do as a citizen

Subscribe to and follow instructions given in the DoD Orders Newspaper.

Inform yourself by asking experienced citizens about anything you do not understand. Try to avoid releasing articles without being fully informed.

Educate yourself on the following from the eRepublik Wiki to give yourself a better understanding of what is going on-




Resistance Wars


The Wars that Ireland has open with USA, Canada and Poland are mutually agreeable and none of these countries are Ireland's enemies. The only open war Ireland has at this time that is a threat to her, is the war with the UK.


Cork and Kerry has now been swapped to Poland in another tactical maneuver. To request Moving Tickets out of the region, please fill out this form. It is a temporary measure and the region will be returned to Ireland. All losses such as Hospital and tax losses will refunded to Ireland.

Is mise,
Minister of Foreign Affairs.