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This is my newspaper. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

[MoFA] Ambassadors Wanted

5 1,025 jour, 16:46 Published in Canada Canada

Canadians, would you like to have affairs with foreigners? I've got what you want right here. An Ambassadorship in our FA department. Here is just a few examples* of the possibilities-

[ … en savoir plus »

Presidential Update

35 960 jour, 11:03 Published in Ireland Ireland

Thank You

Firstly, thanks to the people of eIreland who voted on election day, as well as the other candidates, who are both great servants to eIreland. I also want to say thanks to moo who made some tough decisions over … en savoir plus »

Irishbhoy1967: Just do It

30 957 jour, 12:17 Published in Ireland Ireland

Vote For IBhoy

Because Talk Is Cheap.

Vote For IBhoy

To Get Sh*t Done.

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[USA] In Depth Analysis of the Landswapping

18 954 jour, 23:27 Published in USA USA


[img][/img] … en savoir plus »

[POL] In Depth Analysis of the Landswapping

16 954 jour, 23:22 Published in Poland Poland


[img][/img] … en savoir plus »