Aren Perry, for NJ!!

Day 575, 19:22 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Hello all of my friends in New Jersey and the eUSA.

I am running for congress in the great state of New Jersey!. I am running with the support of the USWP and the AAP. I hope that for all of the hard work that I have done as a 4 term Congressman, 3 term Party President, 2 term New Player Mentor, 3 term Ambassador, 2 term Member of the White House, 3 term SADD member, and 1 term Chair of the Infrastructure Committee.

So for those that you don't know,

what has Aren Perry done in congress?

As mentioned above, I served as the Chair of Infrastructure during the first term that the committee system was built within congress. I was part of a discussion to help get the eUSA multiple Q5's via a contract with Kyle321n's hospital company. However, the idea was turned down in the theory that less Q5's would serve us better by grouping our populatioin where we needed it. I also redeemed a long time promise to an individual that we would buy his Q3 defense system, which is the one we now have in New Hampshire.

Also, I was responsible for the Public Information Act which was an attempt to bring more information to you, the individual, from the halls of Congress. While I feel like the idea behind the PIA was not followed through with as much as I would like, work continues towards the goal of releasing information to the public. If elected, I promise to continue the work towards keeping information within congress public and the public informed to the goings on of the eworld that relate to congress.

The government weapon companies were also something that I was around to help and support the creation of. In fact, though not the first to mention it, I volunteered for the duty and put up personal funds towards the goal of creating foreign iron companies to help support our weapon companies. This still has not happened, however.

Among my non congressional accomplishments are the Gentleman's Agreement and Jedi Council (

As I hope is easy to see, I bring with me experience and proof of activity that qualifies me to be a candidate for New Jersey.

Opinions on Current Events

-A more concrete Alliance needs to be formed among nations from the previous Atlantis Alliance. While we still stand together, a better arrangement based off of more realistic goals (especially now we know what they would be through trial and error of Atlantis).

-The lowering of import taxes is something that I precariously support. That is, the idea of free trade has its advantages that I realize. However, we of all nations have something to lose due to the size and lucrative nature of our economy. While this could be a good start, if other nations don't follow suit, we need to raise up our import taxes again.

The lowering of imports for tickets makes sense considering we want to have cheaper tickets, however a lowering of them to 1% is an extreme in which I am not willing to concede, even if we get a free trade environment. This is because we need to have some markets in which we have domestic advantages so that we can have adequate jobs for our citizens in some market. Manufacturing is that market.

So what will I do for you as your congressman?

-I will help bring into focus a national pride and unity within congress that helps us not be individualistic but to work together as a fighting force that can get things done as a country and a nation.

If we don't stand together, we'll fall apart. Right now on every side we have nations that just tried in our PP elections, will try again, and will not stop trying to interfere with our nations. Our President is attempting to gather us together in his last term to prevent the eUSA from being PTO'ed and return the favor to our enemies.

It was once a question as to whether we should use PTO's as an ethical means. Not anymore.
It is obvious that an even more effective method of warfare is through PTO's. In one blow, we, or they, can fall without a sound. We cannot allow this to happen to us.

-As stated above, I will continue the work on the Public Information Act more. Specifically I will work towards getting the Speaker of the House to release more updates to the public to basically become a congressional version of the James S. Brady Press Room.

So why me over the 'other guys'

I bring more experience than anyone else to this table. Even more than Claire Littleton. While Claire is someone who does bring experience, I have

-more variety and depth of experience in leadership

-A longer history in erepublik

-A less divisive personality.

While I cannot argue that Claire is inactive, neither can anyone argue that I am either. Claire is well known for her dislike of the USWP and her lack of support for Scrabman. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I've seen Claire get quite feisty and defensive beyond what is necessary. I respect Claire and I thank her for her hard work. While I cannot say that I have never uttered a word that wasn't as respectful as it should have been, I have also been known for my stand for and on unity as Interparty Relations Secretary and in my own career before I even took this position ( ,

New Jersey, vote for Aren Perry on the 25th!

Aren Perry
The Choice of Experience and Unity
Vote for Aren Perry!