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12 1,750 jour, 07:26 Published in Germany Germany Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hr.Bubbi has decided to leave the post for someone else, and the person running for the seat is no less than 4 times CP [url= savoir plus »

[ENG/DE]Running for Congress

8 1,735 jour, 08:18 Published in Germany Germany Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

English :

As you all know, the election for Congress is just around the corner, and I am going to run for Die Steinmetze in Hovedstaden.

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[Denmark]Party Presidents

13 1,698 jour, 12:19 Published in Germany Germany Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

We will have the next election for Party President in few hours, and the Danish Government made a list like usual.
This is no "you have to vote this - list" but a list of people we … en savoir plus »

[DA/ENG]The Danish community

17 1,676 jour, 14:22 Published in Germany Germany Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Det danske community i eRepublik består måske ikke af så mange spillere, men vi holder stadig sammen og gør hvad vi kan for vores lille land.

Som en del af den Dansk/Tyske union er vi en vigtig brik og som bekendt "mange bække små" kan gøre en

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[DK] Party Presidents of june 2012

4 1,667 jour, 02:22 Published in Germany Germany Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

The Danish government has made a list of recommended people in the parties. These names are the ones you should vote for on the 15´th .

Killers with spoons - Sasori5
Aurora - Hr.Bubbi
Aperture Science - Lutharus
Not the … en savoir plus »