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The Queen has returned - Dronningen er vendt hjem !!

15 1,916 jour, 06:10 Published in Denmark Denmark Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

The Queen has returned - Dronningen er vendt hjem !!

Efter lang tids overvejelse har jeg igen dansk statsborgerskab. Men jeg vil stadig være vores kontakt til … en savoir plus »

Happy New Year to all of you

11 1,868 jour, 14:06 Published in Germany Germany Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Happy New Year to all of you, and thank you for the old year we are now leaving behind.

It has been a year with many up´s and down´s, but still I … en savoir plus »

Thank you friends !

29 1,862 jour, 03:35 Published in Germany Germany Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I dont know how to do this ..... Cause no words seem big enough this time.....I am so gratefull......

Our friends and allies - You deserve more than a simple THANK YOU - You all stood up and helped us defending our Union.

The shouts … en savoir plus »

A little something - ein bisschen etwas

24 1,762 jour, 11:17 Published in Germany Germany Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Sehr geehrte Bürger eGermarks, wie ihr alle schon wisst, bin ich inzwischen die Dänenbeauftragte in der Deutschen Regierung und Kongressmitglied. Zunächst bin … en savoir plus »

Interview with Headless Chicken

10 1,754 jour, 14:29 Published in Germany Germany Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Almost all of you know the headless chicken, but do you know who he is ?

We have investigated and found some pieces of his life that would make us all know him a bit better. It was difficult, but we got hold of him for an interview about him and

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