[Denmark]Party Presidents

Day 1,698, 12:19 Published in Germany Denmark by Maine Coon

We will have the next election for Party President in few hours, and the Danish Government made a list like usual.
This is no "you have to vote this - list" but a list of people we recommend being in charge of the parties in Denmark.
If you don´t know where to put your vote, feel free to write Hr.Bubbi or Maine Coon ingame, or join #eDenmark on Quakenet or Rizon for advice where the vote is needed.

Killers with spoons
Workers' Syndicalist Union
Aperture Science
Lutharus - reserve : Androkles Hafnia
Germark Union Party

The list is made to insure the votes in the parties not going to PTO groups, which will get the chance to set up a candidate for next President election.

Maine Coon

MoFa of Denmark and minister of Danish affairs in Germany