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Around the World in 60 seconds : Day 1,148

21 1,148 jour, 12:04 Published in Canada Canada

Todays highlights:
- eCanada suffers yet another theft from its Country President
- ePakistan attacks back at eChina hoping to hold onto their indian regions
- … en savoir plus »

Around the World in 60 seconds : Day 1,147

47 1,147 jour, 11:52 Published in Canada Canada

Todays highlights:
- eWorld Alliances: a short overview of where things stand
- eBulgaria may have bitten off more than it can chew with eTurkey
- eRussia’s … en savoir plus »

Elect Roger Griswald in Saskatchewan

12 1,130 jour, 13:13 Published in Canada Canada

I Roger Griswald am running for Congress in Saskatchewan with the EPIC Party. My main platform issues are transparency and communication.

I am well versed … en savoir plus »

Around the World in 60 seconds : Day 1,084

24 1,084 jour, 10:33 Published in Canada Canada

Todays highlights:
- New Government of eCanada National Newspaper[en savoir plus »

Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,080

19 1,080 jour, 13:26 Published in Canada Canada

After being away from my newspaper for the past week (sorry) it is good to be back writing. I am currently planning to publish my newspaper every 72 hours or so over the next month, … en savoir plus »