Elect Roger Griswald in Saskatchewan

Day 1,130, 13:13 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

I Roger Griswald am running for Congress in Saskatchewan with the EPIC Party. My main platform issues are transparency and communication.

I am well versed in the activities of governments around the world. As is the case with many of the EPIC Party candidates, I feel that the eCanadian government should be more accountable to its citizens, to this end I will push the government to publish weekly updates as to its actions and also play a greater role in assisting players to acclimatize to eRep. These are just two basic things that most of the larger eNations currently do and should be done by eCanada.

For more information about EPIC check out our open forums at: http://ecanada.cc/epic/ or join us on our open IRC: http://ecanada.cc/epic/viewforum.php?f=26]EPIC

As to my experience, I am held/hold the following titles:
- current Ambassador to the eUK
- former Minister of Information
- former Congress member
- current CO for the 1st Mobile Infantry of the CAF
- current editor of the CAF newspaper the Guardian

So tomorrow please help me to continue to improve our eCanada by electing me into Congress from Saskatchewan.
