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Roger Griswald for EPIC Party Prez

22 1,361 jour, 11:50 Published in Canada Canada Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Last time I wrote to you, EPIC members, I was a hopeful Prince Edward Island Congress candidate. Since that time I have not only successfully gained that seat, but have held a … en savoir plus »

Roger Griswald for Congress in Ontario for a Stronger eCanada

26 1,189 jour, 16:05 Published in Canada Canada

I, Roger Griswald, am running for Congress in Ontario with the Canadian Paradox Party(CPP). I have been reluctant to run for Congress for some time, working … en savoir plus »

Alliances everywhere, but where is this heading and why?

46 1,181 jour, 12:40 Published in Canada Canada

With today's announcement from PANAM's Secretary en savoir plus »

Around the World in 60 seconds : Day 1,159

19 1,159 jour, 10:29 Published in Canada Canada

Todays highlights:
- eUSA takes Balochistan from eIran, but pauses before advancing further
- The Balkans saga continues, with eTurkey suffering major defeats
- … en savoir plus »

eCanadian Politics Needs a Kick in the A** - Viva Socialism

51 1,158 jour, 15:01 Published in Canada Canada


In order to build the [url=http://www. … en savoir plus »