Around the World in 60 seconds : Day 1,147

Day 1,147, 11:52 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eWorld Alliances: a short overview of where things stand
- eBulgaria may have bitten off more than it can chew with eTurkey
- eRussia’s campaign to wipe out the eUkraine continues to advance
- eSlovenia shows no sign of letting up on its war that has captured eight eItalian regions

eWorld Alliances

Over the last month as Phoenix began its seemingly downward spiral into ashes it seems that the eWorld governments are most intent on answering the two key questions of prosperity and protection: Which alliance will serve us best? and Which alliance will be the strongest?

As we look at where the eWorld’s largest eNations are leaning the questions above become far more hard to answer, though the current global positioning bodes well for EDEN. Here is a brief synopsis of where the “embryotic” and established alliances are standing:

PACMAN: Solidified out of the rumours of a grand “defensive” alliance known as ONE, the PACMAN has fallen far short of its goal of uniting the smaller eNations from around the eWorld, with only eMalaysia, the ePhilippines and eSingapore joining.

Alliance BIA: An initiative of eBrazil, the BIA is an alliance of eBrazil, eIndonesia and eArgentina. The alliance represents the three Phoenix members located below the equator and has the opportunity to grow to include some other former-Phoenix members (ie. Iran, Portugal and France).

PANAM: Originally an idea of eMexico in v1, the PANAM Alliance died out after the US-Canada war. The shattered alliance was reborn by the eUSA in November with the eNation working with other eNations in the Americas to reforge a constitution. The alliance has grown since november to include eArgentina, eBrazil, eMexico, eVenezuela and the eUSA (though eArgentina issued a statement claiming they were not in any other alliance then BIA - so...). Notably eCanada rejected joining the alliance this month, instead reaffirming their commitment towards EDEN.

Euroliance: The concept of one powerful European alliance has been given considerable attention as of late as should such an alliance be possible, then it would certainly be the most powerful ever formed (uniting the majority of the eWorlds largest eNations). While on paper this alliance is extremely popular, most agree that it could never work in practice simply due to the e-history and RL-history of the eNations who would be its members.

Phoenix: With the loss of its largest members eBrazil, eHungary, eTurkey and eSerbia, the Phoenix alliance is quickly loosing member-nations and will likely collapse under its current charter within the next 3threemonths. The key indicator that the alliance is taking a death kneel will be when either eIndonesia or eRussia exit the alliance (eArgentina announced they were leaving the alliance yesterday).

EDEN: While rumours of the alliances demise have flooded the eWorld as of late, the most recent meeting of the leadership of the alliances member-nations has shown that commitment to the alliances common goals is as strong as ever. While over the last six months Phoenix has lost members, EDEN has actually grown to include additional member-nations easily making it the largest and most powerful global alliance including 14 eNations.

eBulgaria and eTurkey

With both eNations departing the dying Phoenix alliance, former allies eTurkey and eBulgaria have engaged in a barrage of battles over the last week as the two neighbors vie for control of the resources and regions. Since eBulgaria turned on its former alliance and became friendly with EDEN member-nations, four battles have been fought between them and eTurkey, three of which have been waged on Turkish soil. However as of today eTurkey moved the fight onto eBulgarian soil, attacking the iron rich region of Plovdiv (eTurkey has no iron regions).

eBulgaria has not been fighting alone. In addition to their 13 MPPs with EDEN member-nations, eGreece has been actively attacking eTurkey in a bid to remove them from Cyprus (which they have) and capture their Mediterranean regions. However the most recent eGreek volleys have aimed to draw eTurkish fire power away from the eBulgarian assault on eTurkey’s northern regions.

While the conflicts between eTurkey, eBulgaria and eGreece are expected to persist, the other regional giant, newly formed eFYROMacedonia, is expected to play a key role in aiding eTurkey in the conflict. It is also worth noting that eBulgaria has been renting two regions in eIran and today two resistance wars have been launched which may end the rental agreement. While there is no evidence that the eIranian government is behind the resistance wars they do help alleviate tensions with their closest ally eTurkey, even though the eNation has been a close ally of eBulgaria for over a year.

eRussia and eUkraine

eRussia has engaged in a full scale assault on their once eRussian PTOed neighbor of the eUkraine. The eUkraine, who is attributed with being the first of the many eNations to leave the Phoenix alliance, had experience months of peace whilst eRussian had been completely removed from the map by EDEN, is now faced with the threat of being removed by their former overlords.

To date eRussia has captured the native eUkrainian regions of Pollsla, Taurida, Dnipro and Sloboda. Today eRussia continued is attacks, pushing further into the eUkrainian heartland with an attack on the region of Volhynia. Should eRussia find success in their battle they will have captured all of the eUkrainian grain regions, an important move for eRussia, who under the new resource distribution were left without any high grain regions.

The capture of Volhynia will also provide eRussia an additional border with ePoland, a move that has perplexed some citizens as should ePoland chose too, they would have a land bridge to once again open a war with eRussia.

eSlovenia and eItaly

eSlovenia, who was whipped off the map in November has rallied back over the last three months. With the backing of their close ally eSerbia, eSlovenia has launched a military campaign against their neighbour eItaly. The campaign has seen great success for eSlovenia with the eNation securing eight eItalian regions, Including removing eItaly from any of the regions they had captured in eAustria and eGermany.

It is expected that eSlovenia will continue their assault against eItaly today with an attack on the eItalian capital region of Lazio.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.