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Vote with your heart!

7 1,770 jour, 15:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I'm rather indulgent, empathic, understanding, with people which do mistakes, with people full of defects. We are united more in our very imperfections than in our best abilities.

For me, vote buying (either for newspaper or for elections) is

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I kneel down before Experience

19 1,769 jour, 01:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I kneel down before Experience

Yesterday, I was blinded by the light of Truth. It happened at IRC,
that neverending source of fun, entertainment and good laughs.
At some point, I was in #euk.government, or is it #government.euk?
,the tears of

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10 things you always wanted to do but....TUP prevented you from doing so

25 1,768 jour, 08:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

1. Peace with France.... since TUPish Kravenn stubbornly insist on improving those good foreign relationships that are already good, like a doctor trying to cure a healthy patient.

2. Enjoy forums void of fear... where you're not banned or

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BNA. D0001-1209

3 1,768 jour, 04:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

BNA. Recruitment and first orders.

The first unit of BNA (BNAU01) is composed by :
- Sargeant Alphabethis S001
- Recruit Solytix S002
- Recruit Joe Dye. S003

- DRILL D0001-1209
-- Reward 10 GBP. 3 points for each recruit, 5

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British National Army. The foundation.

4 1,768 jour, 04:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

British National Army. Foundational Act. version 1.0. 201209

The British National Army aims to improve the military might of
eUK. It is a complement over the existing Military Units and it's not
a Military Unit (MU).

It will comprise the

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