Around the World #7; France is Doing Something?!

Day 1,692, 14:00 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!


The Hundred-Hour War


Belligerents: France, Canada vs. UK
Results: Old and new rivalries meld together, as both France and Canada have declared war on the Brits! France has made some astonishing progress despite its perception as a weaker nation, capturing some oil in the process, while the Canadians attempt to breach Wales. The UK needs all the help it can get, but will it be enough?

Winner (this week): France, Canada
Winner (campaign): France, Canada

Portuguese Resurgence


Belligerents: Portuguese vs. Spain
Results: Props to Portugal for last week's berserker rampage, but due to better resistance from Spain, they were unable to advance any further, ending the week with little to show for it. It's still impressive that Portugal managed to get this far, but they've stalled just a bit.

Winner (this week): DRAW
Winner (campaign): Portugal

Macedonian War of Aggression


Belligerents: Greece vs. FYROM
Results: The bloody war has finally ended, in status quo. Greece is fully intact, and FYROM is already in another war. Was this worth the millions of lives lost? Yes. Was this worth wasting so many weapons? No. Was it fun to watch? You bet!

Winner (campaign): DRAW

Serbian Rebellion


Belligerents: Albania vs. Serbia, Montenegro, FYROM
Results: This continues to be a head-scratcher. How on Earth has Albania survived against three far larger and more populated nations?! This either shows Albania's true might, or shows the weakness ONE contains. Either way, Albania has managed to somehow expand its nation, conquering Montenegrin lands in the south. Hail Albania!

Winner (this week): Albania
Winner (campaign): Serbia, Montenegro, FYROM

Ukrainian-Moldovan War


Belligerents: Ukraine, Romania vs. Moldova, Hungary
Results: With Moldova agreeing to cease fire with Ukraine and the Hungarians being cut off by Romania, it seems that this war won't go on much longer. What started as a training war gone wrong has finally come to rest, with only Romania and Hungary truly in battle, and Hungary falling fast.

Winner (this week): Ukraine, Romania
Winner (campaign): Ukraine, Romania

Swedish Reconquest of Bohus


Belligerents: Russia vs. Sweden
Results: What a disappointment. What was hyped up as an epic battle for the Nordics was turned into a one-sided full on smothering, as Russia crushed Swedish strongholds throughout Scandinavia. With only one Swedish province left in Scandinavia, it doesn't look like Russia will let up any time soon.

Winner (this week): Russia
Winner (campaign): Russia

Until next time, take care!