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Providing fun, diplomatic, political and military reports! To be happy, read La Jeune Belgique!

1. Sub my newspaper
2. PM me with the number and your newspaper link.
3. I'll sub you back.
4. Thanks :)

Hope I will come back

15 Día 1,974, 19:05 Publicado en Peru Peru Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Dear ePeruvians,

I have still lots of things to do here. But ePeru is going well. We keep easily bolivian & colombian regions under control, politics are stable, fun is present.

So I think my help is required in another country, eSwitzerland.

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Boston Tragedy - Best wishes to families

1 Día 1,973, 17:59 Publicado en Peru Peru Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Dear reader,

We are in a game but we musn't disconnect from real life...

I wish all best thinks for families of the 2 dead poeple, killed by human stupidity in Boston (US). A bomb attack happened during the big marathoon.

Video of the

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[eBe] NE Francia-Belgica

4 Día 1,971, 10:15 Publicado en Peru Peru Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla


Francia mando NE a eBelgica. Hoy, comenzaron a atacar a mi país que es miembro del COT.

Sin embargo, es un gran error. Bélgica derrotó a Francia y comenzó el contraataque.Es el momento de hacerles pagar por ello.


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[eBE] eFrance error...

11 Día 1,969, 14:28 Publicado en Peru Peru Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

Dear readers,

France voted for NE eBelgium. Today, they started attacking my homeland country and COT truelly member.

However, it is a big mistake. Belgium defeated France and is gona counter attack. It is now time to make them pay for … leer más »

Born of People Of Justice (POJ)

6 Día 1,937, 10:30 Publicado en Peru Peru Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

Dear reader,

With the help of "The People Of Justice", I'm proud to present you the first international force against PTOrs in the world.

Not a lot of people care … leer más »