Hope I will come back

Day 1,974, 19:05 Published in Peru Austria by Kaad

Dear ePeruvians,

I have still lots of things to do here. But ePeru is going well. We keep easily bolivian & colombian regions under control, politics are stable, fun is present.

So I think my help is required in another country, eSwitzerland. Under a huge PTO threat since now quite one year, I'm gona ask the eSwiss CS and fight them.

During my very short stay, I met good people and fought for my new eCountry like if it was my homeland. I stayed invisible in politics, because of my short knowledge of spanish (Si ablo un poquito espanol)

I hope coming back one day to ePeru and commit to the glory of this wounderfull eCountry and RL Country.

Keep me in contact if you need anything!

Kaad, nearly ex-ePeruvian citizen